"dei Folletti Grigi" pepper salt standard schnauzer kennel


Hello everybody and welcome to the home in the net of our kennel, "dei Folletti Grigi"!

We created this website with the purpose of sharing all infos about our dogs with you, schnauzer lovers, and to keep you informed with every event concerning our "Folletti Grigi"(show results, matings, litters etc.).

We are always happy to get in touch with people crazy about schnauzers like us, so feel free to contact us. Our e-mail address is:


This site will be updated every time we have some fresh news, so please come visit us again soon!

Have a nice surfing...


We're still working at the complete English version, the dogs' pages aren't ready yet, but they will be soon....please, be patient and come again!



Paola & Ezio Giordano,
Via Eupilio 102,
23842 Bosisio Parini (Lecco) - Italia.
Tel.: 0039-031-866586
E-Mail: info@follettigrigi.com